Make It Classroom: Basic Upholstery, 1/20

Event Registration
Fix up that old chair with simple upholstery techniques! 
Learn to restyle your chairs or salvage those older pieces with beautiful potential! This class will provide hands-on practice with fabric, staples, and tacks so you can DIY and remake to your heart's content.
Make It Classroom
Habitat ReStore
1200 W. Northern Lights Blvd.
Anchorage, AK 99503
Date: Thursday, January 20
Time: 6:00-8:00 pm
No experience necessary; all materials provided. 
Class limited to 10 participants.
Free; donations gladly accepted. Proceeds fund Habitat for Humanity's affordable homeownership programs.
Please note: The ReStore closes at 6:00. If you arrive late, call (907) 272-0800, ext. 1006 and someone will let you in.
Safety precautions: Masks are required at this time for all class participants. We also want to keep our classroom latex-free, so please avoid bringing latex or latex-exposed items to the room. Thank you for helping us keep our community safe!
Questions? Email for more information.

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Activity Price Quantity Total
Suggested Donation: $30 $30.00
Suggested Donation: $20 $20.00
Suggested Donation: $10 $10.00
Suggested donation: Give what you can $0.00
  Total: $0.00
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Total Amount Due: $0.00